ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo, do you know what irminism is? It's a fancy word that is used to describe a way of thinking about the world that is all about finding your own path and beliefs.

Think of it like you're creating your own recipe for a really yummy cake. You get to choose all the ingredients that you like best and put them together in a way that tastes delicious to you.

Irminism is kind of like that, but instead of a cake it's about how you see the world and what you believe in. You get to pick and choose different ideas and beliefs that make sense to you, and put them together to create your own unique worldview.

Some people might follow one particular religion or philosophy, but irminists believe that you don't have to stick to just one way of thinking. You can take bits and pieces from different beliefs and make something that feels right for you. It's kind of like building your own puzzle with all the pieces you like the best.

So, there you have it. Irminism is all about creating your own beliefs and values by picking and choosing what feels right to you. It's like mixing and matching your favorite ingredients to bake a perfect cake, only with ideas and beliefs.