ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Isaiah 13

Isaiah 13 is a part of the Bible where God speaks through the prophet Isaiah to a group of people called the Babylonians.

God is very angry with the Babylonians because they have been very mean and hurtful to His people, the Israelites. So, God tells Isaiah to warn the Babylonians that they will soon be punished for their bad behavior.

God describes the punishment as being very scary and intense, like the end of the world. He talks about how the sun, moon, and stars will stop shining and there will be darkness all around. The Babylonians will be very scared and confused, and they will try to hide in caves and rocks, but they won't be able to escape God's punishment.

God also says that the Babylonians will be conquered by a powerful nation called the Medes. The Medes will come and attack the Babylonians and take over their kingdom.

Overall, Isaiah 13 is a warning from God to the Babylonians that they need to change their ways or face the consequences. It is a reminder that God is in control and will bring justice to those who do wrong.