ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Islam and magic

Islam is a religion where people believe in one god, Allah. Muslims, or followers of Islam, believe that magic is forbidden or not allowed because it involves calling upon supernatural powers that are not from Allah. Basically, magic is like using a cheat code in a video game, but in real life.

Muslims also believe that magic is not real and that only Allah has the power to control things in the world. Magic tricks or illusions are different, because they don't try to claim supernatural powers or interfere with Allah's control.

In Islam, it's important to believe in and trust in Allah, who has power over everything in the world. Praying, being a good person, and following the teachings of Islam are ways to connect with Allah and live a good life. Believing in magic can be a distraction from this connection and can cause harm to oneself or others.