Okay, so a long time ago in a place called Istanbul, some people were not very nice to other people just because they were different. This was called a pogrom. The people who were being treated badly were mostly from a place called Greece, and they had lived in Istanbul for a very long time.
The ones who were being not nice did things like break into their homes, destroy their businesses, and hurt them. They did this because they were angry about some things that were happening between Greece and Turkey, the country that Istanbul is in.
The people who were being hurt were really scared and didn't know what to do. They had to flee their homes and try to find somewhere safe. It was a very sad and scary time for everyone involved.
But, over time, things got better. People learned to be kinder to each other, and the ones who were hurt were able to rebuild their lives. It's important to always remember what happened during the Istanbul pogroms so that we can make sure it never happens again.