ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iterative design

Iterative design is like drawing a picture, but instead of just drawing it once and being done, you draw it over and over again, making it better each time until you have the best picture possible.

Imagine you want to draw a picture of a bird. So you start by drawing a simple bird with a beak, wings, and feathers. You look at your bird drawing and think, "how can I make this bird better?" Maybe you decide to give it bright colors or make it more detailed.

Then, you draw the bird again but this time with the changes you thought of. You keep doing this over and over again until you have a picture that you're really proud of.

Iterative design is important because it helps you make the best product possible. For example, let's say you're trying to design a game. You might start with a simple idea for how the game works. But as you start to play it, you may realize that some things don't work well or aren't fun. So you tweak the game and try again. This process repeats until you have an awesome game that people will love to play.

Overall, iterative design is all about making something better by trying it repeatedly until it's the best it can be.