ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jai Jagdish Hare

Jai Jagdish Hare is a Hindu devotional song that is usually sung to praise Lord Vishnu. It is also sometimes called the Vishnu Stotram.

In Hinduism, Lord Vishnu is one of the three main gods (also called the Trimurti). Vishnu is considered to be the preserver of the universe, which means that he keeps everything in balance and maintains order.

When people sing Jai Jagdish Hare, they are basically saying "praise be to Vishnu." This song is often sung in temples, during religious ceremonies, or even just when people want to express their devotion to Vishnu.

The words of the song are in Sanskrit, which is an ancient language that many Hindus consider to be sacred. The words translate to something like this:

"Victory to you, Vishnu, the caretaker of the entire world, who loves all living beings. You are the remover of all fears and the giver of all happiness. You are the one who creates, sustains, and destroys everything. We offer our respects and devotion to you."

So when people sing Jai Jagdish Hare, they are really just expressing their love and gratitude for Lord Vishnu. It's kind of like singing a happy song to say how much you love your mom or dad!