ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jainism in Karnataka

Jainism is a religion that believes in living a peaceful and non-violent life. It started a very long time ago in India. Karnataka is a state in India, where many Jain people live.

Jain people follow five main rules in their daily life: ahimsa (not harming any living beings), truthfulness, not stealing, celibacy, and not being greedy. They also respect all life forms and believe in reincarnation, which means that their soul lives on after they die.

In Karnataka, there are many Jain temples and monuments that people can visit to pray and learn more about the religion. The temples are very peaceful and beautiful, with intricate carvings and statues of Jain gods.

Jain people in Karnataka also celebrate important festivals, such as Mahavir Jayanti, which honors the founder of Jainism, Lord Mahavira. During this festival, they have processions and offer prayers to Mahavira.

Overall, Jainism in Karnataka is all about living a peaceful and non-violent life, respecting all living beings, and following the teachings of Lord Mahavira.