ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

James C. Corman

James C. Corman is a person. He was born a long time ago in 1920 and he died in 2000. He lived in the United States in a place called California.

When James C. Corman was alive, he was famous because he was a politician. A politician is someone who works in the government and makes decisions that affect a lot of people. James C. Corman worked in the U.S. Congress, which is a group of important people in the government that make laws.

James C. Corman did a lot of things when he was a politician. He helped make laws about things like education, health care, and highways - which are like big roads that lots of cars can drive on.

James C. Corman was also really interested in the environment. The environment means all the things around us like plants, animals, and air. James C. Corman made sure that the government worked to protect the environment and keep it healthy for all the animals and people who live in it.

Overall, James C. Corman was an important person who worked hard to make the world a better place.