ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japanese addressing system

In Japan, people use a different way to address places than we do here. In Japan, they use a system that starts with the biggest place first, like the country or state, and then gets more and more specific.

At the beginning, they say the name of the big place where the address is. Then they say the name of the city or town the address is in. Next, they say the name of the area or neighborhood. After that, they give the number of the building or house.

Finally, they say the name of the street where the building or house is. This helps people find exactly where they need to go, even if there are lots of buildings or houses in the area.

It's kind of like a treasure map where you start with the big X on the map that shows you where the treasure is in the country, then you get closer and closer until you finally find the exact spot where the treasure is hiding!
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