ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japanese sculpture

Japanese sculpture is when Japanese artists make beautiful artworks out of materials like wood, bronze, and clay. These sculptures can look like people, animals, or even mythical creatures, and they can be very big or very small.

The Japanese have been making sculptures for a very long time, starting in ancient times when people used to make small clay figures to protect their homes. Over time, these figures started to become more detailed and beautiful, and artists began using different materials to make them.

One type of Japanese sculpture is called a "Buddha statue," which is a figure of the Buddha. These statues are usually made out of bronze or stone, and are often very big and impressive. People bow to them and pray to them as a sign of respect and honor.

Another type of Japanese sculpture is called a "netsuke," which is a small little creature or object that people used to attach to their clothing. These could be anything from a little turtle to a miniature person, and were often very detailed and intricate.

Overall, Japanese sculpture is all about creating beautiful and unique artworks that tell stories, honor traditions, and celebrate the beauty of the world around us. It's a wonderful way for artists to express themselves, and for people to connect with their culture and history.
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