ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson is a really smart and interesting guy who knows a lot about animals and emotions. He likes to study how animals feel and think, just like we do. He has written many books on this topic and has even worked with famous scientists like Jane Goodall.

He thinks that animals can feel emotions just like we do, like happy, sad, scared, and angry. Some people used to think that only humans could feel these emotions, but Masson showed that this is not true. He has studied elephants, pigs, cows, and even rats, and found that they can feel a wide range of emotions.

Masson also talks a lot about how we treat animals, and how we should be kind to them because they are so important to us. He believes that we should treat animals as if they are our friends and not just things to be used for food or experiments. By treating animals well, we can create a happier and healthier world for all of us to live in.