ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

João Vaz Corte-Real

Hey there kiddo! So, João Vaz Corte-Real was a man who lived a long, long time ago in the 15th century. He was a Portuguese explorer, which means he traveled to new places that nobody had been to before. He sailed across the ocean in big ships and went on adventures to find new lands, people, and things.

Now, João Vaz Corte-Real was really brave and adventurous, just like some of your favorite superheroes. He sailed to a place called Newfoundland, which is a big island in North America, and discovered it before anybody else did! It was an exciting time because nobody knew about Newfoundland before, so it was like discovering a secret treasure.

João Vaz Corte-Real even named the place "Terra Nova," which means "New Land" in Portuguese. He wanted to make sure that people knew about this amazing place he discovered.

Even though João Vaz Corte-Real is no longer here with us today, his legacy lives on. People still talk about him and remember his bravery and adventures. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be just like him and discover something new and exciting too!