ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Job Accommodation Network

So, let's say you have a friend who needs some help with their job because of a disability or health condition. Maybe they can't stand for very long or they need a special computer program to do their work. The Job Accommodation Network, or JAN for short, is a place that helps both employers and employees figure out how to make workplaces more accessible and accommodating for people with disabilities or health conditions.

JAN has experts who can talk to your friend's employer and figure out what changes can be made to make their job easier and more comfortable. They might suggest things like a special chair or adjustable desk, or maybe allowing your friend to work from home or on a flexible schedule. They can also talk to your friend and figure out what kind of support they need to be successful at work.

Overall, JAN helps make sure that people with disabilities or health conditions are given the same opportunities to work and thrive as everyone else.