ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Joseph Balthazar Inginac

Okay, so Joseph Balthazar Inginac was a person who lived a long time ago. He was born in France in 1812, which is 209 years ago! That's older than your great-great-grandparents!

Now, Joseph Inginac was really interested in something called archaeology. That's when people study really old things, like bones and tools and buildings, to learn about the past. Joseph loved studying ancient civilizations and cultures from all over the world.

One day, Joseph went on a big adventure to a place called Egypt. Egypt is known for having lots and lots of really old buildings, sculptures, and tombs. There, Joseph saw something amazing: a really big statue that was over 70 feet tall! It was called the Colossus of Memnon.

Now, you might be wondering what's so special about a big statue. Well, this statue had something really cool happen to it. When the sun first comes up in the morning, it would hit the statue and it made a really loud noise, kind of like music! People thought it was a sign that the gods were happy.

Joseph was really interested in how this could happen, so he studied and studied until he figured it out. It turned out that the statue was made of two different types of rock. And when the sun and the air hit it just right, the rocks would heat up and expand, which made the noise.

Joseph was really smart and figured out how to replicate this cool "singing" statue with other rocks. He became really famous for it and even won an award for his work!

So, that's the story of Joseph Balthazar Inginac. He was a really smart man who loved learning about ancient civilizations and figured out how to make rocks sing like a big statue in Egypt.