ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Joule thief

Okay, kiddo, so let's say you have a toy car that needs batteries to run, but the batteries are almost dead and the car won't move anymore. This is where a joule thief comes in! It's like a magic trick that makes the toy car go on and on, even if the batteries are almost dead.

A joule thief is a tiny little circuit that you can build all by yourself. It takes the last bit of power from the dying batteries and channels it into the toy car, making it keep moving. But how does it do that?

Well, it works a bit like a see-saw - you know, like the one you play on sometimes in the park. On one side of the see-saw, you have a transistor, which is like a tiny switch that can turn on and off really quickly. On the other side, you have a coil of wire that acts like a magnet.

When the transistor switch turns on, it allows the tiny bit of energy left in the batteries to flow into the coil of wire. The coil of wire then turns the energy into a pulse of electricity that goes to the car's motor. This makes the car move again, even though the batteries are almost dead!

Then, as soon as the switch turns off, the magnet in the coil keeps the electricity flowing for just a little bit longer. This balances the see-saw and keeps the energy flowing in a smooth way, so the toy car can keep going and going.

So, that's the magic of the joule thief - it's a little circuit that can bring dying batteries back to life and make your toys work even when you thought they were dead. Cool, right?