ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Judah P. Benjamin

Judah P. Benjamin was a man who lived a long time ago in the United States. He was a very important person because he was a lawyer and a politician.

When Judah was born, in the early 1800s, people were divided about who should be in charge of the country. Some people thought that the states should have more power, while others believed that the federal government should be in charge.

Judah grew up in the southern part of the country, where many people relied on slavery to make money. Slavery was when people forced other people to work for them without paying them. It was a bad thing because it made some people very rich while others had to suffer.

Even though Judah grew up in this place, he didn't agree with slavery. However, he still wanted the states to have more power. In fact, he believed that slavery should be up to each individual state to decide.

As Judah got older, he became a lawyer and started to work in politics. He was very good at his job and eventually became a senator. But then something called the Civil War happened. This was a big fight between the states in the North and the South.

During the Civil War, Judah didn't agree with the South's decision to fight. He thought it was a mistake and that the North would win. So, he decided to move to a different country called England.

In England, Judah became a lawyer again and helped other people with their legal problems. He even became a Queen's Counsel, which means he was a really important lawyer who could give advice to the royal family.

Judah remained in England for the rest of his life, even after the Civil War ended. Some people still remember him today as a smart and hardworking man who had a big impact on American history.