ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jun (drink)

Jun is a special kind of drink that is made by mixing tea, honey, and something called a SCOBY. The SCOBY is like a magic little fairy that turns the tea into a fizzy, yummy drink that is full of good bacteria and probiotics that are really good for your tummy.

Think of the SCOBY like a little living thing that eats the sugars in the tea and makes bubbles, kinda like when you blow bubbles in your milk with a straw! But instead of going pop, these bubbles make your Jun all fizzy and bubbly. And the best part is, because the SCOBY eats up all the sugar, Jun is way healthier than regular soda!

So every time you drink Jun, you're not only satisfying your thirst, but you're also giving your body something special that will help it stay healthy and happy. Plus, it tastes really, really good!