ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kaeng tai pla

Kaeng Tai Pla is a Thai fish curry that tastes really yummy! It is a spicy dish that is made by cooking a special type of sloppy fish (called Tai Pla) in a yummy soup with herbs and spices like lemongrass, garlic, turmeric, and shrimp paste.

The fish used in this dish is not the same kind of fish that you would normally eat for dinner. Tai Pla is a type of fish that is very smelly and is not very tasty on its own. But when you cook it in the soup with all of the delicious herbs and spices, it transforms into something really yummy!

The soup is cooked in a big pot and is left to simmer for a while so that all of the flavors can mix together. Once the soup is ready, it is eaten with rice. Some people like to add vegetables like bamboo shoots or eggplant to the soup, while others prefer to eat it plain.

Although Kaeng Tai Pla is a popular dish in Thailand, it might not be for everyone. The smell and taste of Tai Pla can be very strong and spicy, which some people might not like. But for those who like spicy food, it is definitely worth trying!
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