ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Kahuna is a word that comes from the Hawaiian Islands, and it was used to describe people who were respected leaders in their communities. Think of them like a parent or a teacher, but for a whole village or group of people.

Kahunas were experts in many different things, like fishing, farming, healing illnesses, and figuring out the weather. They were often called upon to give advice, help with problems, or lead ceremonies and rituals.

In some ways, they were sort of like superheroes! They had these special powers called "mana," which helped them do things that others couldn't. This might seem like magic, but it was really just their skill and knowledge passed down from generation to generation.

Kahunas were also very spiritual and believed in a lot of things that might seem strange to us today. For example, they thought that everything was connected in the world - the land, the animals, and the people. They believed that if they treated everything with respect and care, they would be rewarded with good health and prosperity.

Overall, kahunas were important figures in Hawaiian culture and history. They helped people live their lives and navigate the world around them, and their legacy still lives on today.