ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kaprekar's routine

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with numbers and thought about doing something fun with them? Well, there is a game that grown-ups use to play with numbers which is called Kaprekar's routine. It's a pretty cool trick where you take any number with at least two digits (like 25 for example) and follow some simple steps to make some funny math happen.

First, we are going to take the number (let's use 25 as an example) and split it into its digits. That means we'll take the number 25 and turn it into 2 and 5. Easy peasy, right?

Now, we will take the digits we got and put them in order from biggest to smallest. So, in our example, we need to rearrange 2 and 5 in descending order, which gives us 5 and 2.

Next, we will take the same two digits and arrange them again from the smallest to the biggest. So now our digits are 2 and 5 again.

Finally, we will subtract the smaller number (2 in our case) from the bigger number (5 in our case). So, 5 - 2 is 3.

Now we have a new number: 3! And if we want to keep playing this game, we can take this new number (3) and start all over again from the beginning, rearranging the digits and doing the subtraction.

We can do this again and again until we eventually get to the magic number which is 6174 (it's always 6174, no matter what number we start with!). When we finally reach 6174, we'll do the same thing again, but this time, when we arrange the digits from biggest to smallest and from smallest to biggest, we'll get the same number, which is 0. Yes, zero! And that's it, we've reached the end of the game.

So, Kaprekar's routine is a fun little math trick where we take any number with at least two digits, rearrange its digits in descending and ascending order, subtract the smaller number from the bigger number, and repeat until we reach the magic number 6174!