ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dudeney number

Okay kiddo, have you heard of numbers before? They are like friends that we can count and use in math problems. Now, a Dudeney number is a special kind of number that has a really cool property.

Let me explain; if we take a Dudeney number and add up all of its digits, we get a sum. Then, if we take that sum and find the cube root of it, and if that answer is equal to the original Dudeney number, then we know we have found a Dudeney number!

For example, let's take the number 512. We add up all of the digits: 5 + 1 + 2 = 8. Then we find the cube root of 8: ∛8 = 2. Now, if 2 equals our original number (512), then 512 is a Dudeney number!

It may sound a bit complicated, but it's just a fun way to find special numbers. Plus, it’s named after a famous mathematician, Henry Dudeney. So, go out and have fun finding Dudeney numbers with your friends!