ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Kasthamandap is a very old building in Nepal that is made out of wood. It is said that it was built from the wood of a single tree! That's a LOT of wood, right?

The building is named after a legend of a holy man named Gorakhnath who came to Kathmandu (a city in Nepal where Kasthamandap is located) and saw a goddess. She told him to build a shelter for travelers so they could take a rest on their journeys. He built the building and it was called Kasthamandap.

Kasthamandap has a very important role in the city of Kathmandu. In fact, many people consider it the heart of the city! It's a popular spot for festivals, gatherings, and even funerals.

But sadly, something very tragic happened a few years ago. A big earthquake hit Nepal and it damaged Kasthamandap very badly. The building was destroyed, and it was a very sad time for Nepal.

But don't worry, people are working very hard to rebuild Kasthamandap and bring it back to its former glory. It may take some time, but it's worth it because Kasthamandap is a really special and important building.