ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Keftes (Sephardic)

Keftes is a food that comes from the Sephardic Jewish tradition. It's a type of meatball made with ground beef, onions, and spices, like salt and pepper.

First, grown-ups buy some ground beef and chop up some onions into teeny-tiny pieces. They mix the meat and the onions together with their hands to make a squishy ball.

After making the ball, they add some salt and pepper to make it taste extra yummy!

Next, they heat up a special pan on the stove called a skillet. They put a little bit of oil in the skillet and cook the meatball until it gets golden-brown on the outside and is fully cooked on the inside.

Keftes can be eaten by itself as a snack or added to a meal like a sandwich, soup, or salad. It's a delicious and simple dish that's enjoyed by many people from the Sephardic Jewish community!