ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so a kettle is a special container that you put water in and then you heat it up using electricity or gas. When water gets really hot, it turns into steam, which is a hot gas. The steam from the hot water rises up and comes out of the kettle through a little spout or hole at the top.

Sometimes people use kettles to make tea or coffee by putting teabags or coffee grounds in a cup, pouring the hot water over it, and then letting it sit for a while. Other times, people use kettles to make things like soup or hot chocolate, by pouring the hot water into a pot and then adding other ingredients.

Some kettles are very fancy and have special features like temperature control or automatic shut-off when the water is boiled. But at the end of the day, even a simple kettle can be a very useful tool in the kitchen for making hot drinks or cooking up some tasty treats!