ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Khmer Rouge

Imagine you lived in a big house with lots of other people called Cambodia. One day, some people called Khmer Rouge took over the house and they were very mean. They made everyone work really hard all day every day and didn't let them eat much food. They also made some people leave the house and go live in the woods.

The Khmer Rouge also didn't like some types of people, like rich people, educated people, and people who wore glasses. They made those people leave the house too, and they were very mean to them. They hurt them, took away their stuff, and sometimes killed them.

This went on for a long time, and lots of people were very sad and scared. Finally, some other people came and helped to kick out the Khmer Rouge and make them leave the house. But lots of people had already been hurt or killed, and it took a long time for the house to recover from what the Khmer Rouge did.