ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kingdom of Asturias

The Kingdom of Asturias was a long time ago, like when mommy and daddy's grandparents were alive. It was in a place called Spain and it was ruled by a king named Pelayo.

The people who lived in Asturias were called Asturians, and they were really good at fighting. They were strong and brave and they loved their country.

The thing is, there were other bad guys who wanted to take over Asturias and make it their own. They were called the Moors and they were really mean.

But Pelayo and his Asturians didn't want the Moors to win. They fought back and always tried to protect their land. In fact, they were so brave that they managed to defeat the Moors in a really important battle.

After that, Pelayo became even more powerful and other people started to follow him. He established the Kingdom of Asturias and became their very first king. His kingdom was small compared to others, but he was proud of it because he knew that the Asturians would always fight for their freedom.