ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kink (sexual)

Kink is a way some people like to be sexual. It's like playing grown-up games, but just for adults. When people engage in kink, they may do things that are different from what you might normally do when you play with your toys. Some people like to pretend they are a different person, dress up in special clothes, or do things that might not seem comfortable to you.

But the most important thing to know is that when adults do kink, they always talk about what they want to do first and make sure everyone is happy and safe. They use special words to signal if something is not okay, and they agree on rules and boundaries. Just like when you play with your friends, you always make sure you're having fun and playing nicely with others.

In conclusion, kink is a way adults like to be sexual, but they always make sure everyone is safe and happy, and they talk about what they want to do before they play.