ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kirovabad pogrom

The Kirovabad pogrom was a very bad thing that happened a long time ago in a city called Kirovabad, which is now called Ganja in Azerbaijan.

Imagine a big group of bullies who were very mean and they wanted to hurt people who were different from them. This happened in Kirovabad, where some people were from a different country and spoke a different language.

The bullies started to attack and hurt people just because of their differences. They burned houses and businesses and hurt many people. This was a very bad thing because nobody should be hurt or treated badly just because they are different.

Luckily, some good people came together and helped stop the bullies. They made sure that people who were hurt received medical attention and they helped rebuild the destroyed places.

It's important to remember this event so that we can learn to accept and celebrate our differences instead of being mean and hurtful towards each other.
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