ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Knowledge divide

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called the knowledge divide.

So imagine you and your friend are playing a game, but your friend knows all the rules and how to win, and you don't. That is kind of like the knowledge divide - some people have more information and understanding about certain things than others.

The knowledge divide can happen between different countries, or even between different groups of people in the same area. For example, some people might have access to fancy technology and be able to use it really well, while others don't even have access to the internet.

This can create a lot of unfairness and inequality. People who don't have access to the same resources and knowledge as others can miss out on opportunities and not be able to reach their full potential.

It's important for us to work towards closing this gap and making sure everyone has equal access to knowledge and resources. That way, we can all have a fair chance to succeed and live happy lives.
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