Knowledge inertia is when someone has learned something in one way and is hesitant to change or learn it in a different way. It's like when you learn how to tie your shoe in a certain way and it becomes a habit, so when someone tries to show you a different way to tie your shoe, you might resist because it's easier to keep doing it the way you know.
Similarly, as we grow older, we accumulate knowledge and experience, and we tend to rely on what we already know because it feels comfortable and familiar. This can make it difficult to learn new things or adapt to changes around us. Just like when you get used to playing with a particular toy or a particular way of doing things, it can be hard to adjust when there is something new that you have to learn.
In conclusion, knowledge inertia means that we tend to stick to what we know and it takes effort and willingness to break out of our habits and learn new things. Like learning new skills or adapting to change, this means that we need to be open-minded and willing to try new approaches to be successful in anything we do.