ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Knowledge-based systems

Imagine a system that knows a lot about something and can help you make decisions or solve problems related to that topic. For example, imagine a system that knows a lot about animals and can help you identify different species or answer questions about their behavior.

This system is called a knowledge-based system. It is made up of a bunch of rules and information that the system has learned over time. Think of it like a big brain with lots of knowledge and experience.

To use a knowledge-based system, you usually ask it a question or give it some information. The system then uses its rules and knowledge to come up with an answer or recommendation.

One cool thing about knowledge-based systems is that they can keep getting smarter and more accurate as they learn from new information. So if someone uses the system to identify a new animal, the system might learn from that and become even better at identifying animals in the future.

Knowledge-based systems are used in all sorts of fields, from healthcare to finance to engineering. They can be really helpful for making complex decisions or solving difficult problems. So next time you need some expert advice, maybe you can turn to a knowledge-based system for help!