ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Korymbos (headgear)

Korymbos is a special type of hat that ancient Greek people used to wear. It's also known as a headgear. Imagine a hat that is tall and pointy, like a cone on top of your head. But instead of being made of soft cloth or wool, korymbos was made of really hard material like bronze or brass.

Wearing korymbos was something that only special people like the priests, kings, and warriors did. It was a symbol of their power and importance. Korymbos was also decorated with beautiful designs and sometimes even had feathers or wings on top of it to make it look even more impressive.

Nowadays, people don't really wear korymbos anymore, but we can still see its shape and design in some modern-day costumes and traditional hats. So, if you ever see a pointy hat with some fancy decorations on it, that could be similar to the ancient Greek korymbos.