ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lamb Holm

Lamb Holm is a very small island in Scotland that is very special because of a big story.

A long time ago, there was a big war called World War II. During this war, some very important things called airplanes crashed near Lamb Holm. The people in Scotland were worried about the people who were hurt in the airplanes, so they decided to help.

A group of people called the Royal Engineers came to Lamb Holm to help. They built a special place called a chapel to make the people who were hurt feel better. The chapel is called the Italian Chapel because the people who built it were from Italy.

Even though Lamb Holm is a very small island, it has a big story because of the people who helped during the war. That’s why people from all over the world come to visit Lamb Holm and see the Italian Chapel.