ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Land Back

Land back is a movement that is all about giving back land to the people who originally owned it.

You know how sometimes some people take things that don't belong to them? That's what happened with the land. A long time ago, people came from other places and took over the land that belonged to Native American people. They didn't ask for permission or pay for it. They just pretended that it was theirs to take.

This made the Native American people really sad. They had been living on this land for hundreds of years and it was their home. They were forced to move away from their homes and live somewhere else.

That's where the land back movement comes in. Some people today believe that it's not fair that the Native American people lost their land. They think that the land should be given back to them so that they can live on their ancestral lands again.

It's really important to make things right when something unfair happens, and that's what land back is all about. By giving back the land to the Native American people, we can help make things right and help them feel a little bit better about what happened.