ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Land surface effects on climate

Okay kiddo, imagine you're playing outside and you feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Now, imagine you're standing on a huge area of asphalt or concrete, like a parking lot. Do you notice that it feels hotter on the ground than it did before? That's because those materials - asphalt and concrete - absorb heat from the sun and trap it, making the area hotter than it would be otherwise.

The same thing happens with different types of land surfaces around the world. Some surfaces, like forests or wetlands, absorb less heat and reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere. Others, like deserts or urban areas, absorb more heat and trap it near the ground.

This heating and cooling of different land surfaces can have a big impact on the climate around them. When the ground gets really hot, it can cause more water to evaporate from lakes, rivers, and plants. This water vapor then rises into the atmosphere and can lead to more clouds, which can cause rain or even snow.

But if the ground is too dry and hot, it can actually contribute to things like droughts or wildfires. On the other hand, if the ground is too wet from lots of rain, it can lead to flooding and damage to crops or homes.

So, the type of land surface in a certain area can affect how hot or cold it gets, how much rain or snow falls, and even the likelihood of certain natural disasters. It's important for scientists to study land surface effects on climate so we can better understand and predict what will happen in different parts of the world.