ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Landscape mythology

Landscape mythology is like a big, fun storybook about the world around us that helps us understand why things are the way they are. Think about the stories your mom and dad tell you before bed, but instead of sleeping pictures, you get stories about rivers, mountains, and forests.

Long, long ago, before we had TVs and computers, people would create stories that explain the world around them. They’d watch the sun move across the sky, the seasons change, and the way plants grow and die. They would then use these observations to create stories about gods and goddesses who controlled these things.

These myths would become deeply rooted in the culture of the people who told them, and they were usually passed down from generation to generation. Mythology was a fun way of explaining things people didn’t understand and would often include trees, rocks, and rivers as characters.

The landscape around us carries a lot of history. The rocky outcroppings, the wide open plain, and the rolling hills are all a part of the natural world's mythology. It is important to pay attention to the stories, as they help us connect to the land and understand our place in the world. So, when you walk through the woods or hike up a mountain, take the time to listen to the whispers of the earth and let the landscape tells its story.