ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Language disorder

Sometimes children have trouble with things that other children find easy, like talking or understanding what people are saying. This is called a language disorder. It's like being able to see perfectly fine but not being able to read the words in a book.

There are different kinds of language disorders:

- A child might have trouble with the way sounds are made, so their words might come out jumbled or hard to understand. This is called articulation disorder.
- Another child might have trouble making sentences or knowing how to use words properly in a sentence. This is called expressive language disorder.
- Some children might have trouble understanding what other people are saying, even though they can hear perfectly fine. This is called receptive language disorder.

It's important for children with language disorders to get help from a special teacher or therapist who can help them learn how to talk and understand better. Just like they have to go to school to learn how to read and write, they might have to go to these special classes to learn how to talk better. With a lot of hard work and patience, they can get better at speaking and understanding!