ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Communication disorder

Hey kiddo! Have you ever had trouble speaking or understanding what someone is saying to you? That's what a communication disorder is all about.

Our brain helps us understand and use language to communicate with others. But sometimes, ‘something’ can happen in our brain or body that makes it difficult to communicate properly.

For example, some kids may have trouble saying certain words correctly or may stutter when they speak. Others may have difficulty understanding what they are hearing or reading.

Communication disorder can affect how we talk, listen, read, write, or communicate in other ways. It can also make it harder to make friends or do well in school.

But don't worry, there are ways to help people with communication disorders! A speech-language pathologist (a person who is trained to help with communication disorders) can help by teaching them new strategies or exercises to improve their communication skills. They might also use some tools or technology to make it easier for them to communicate with others. With these techniques, people with communication disorders can lead happy and fulfilling lives!