ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Developmental verbal dyspraxia

Developmental verbal dyspraxia is when your mouth and brain have trouble working together to help you talk clearly. Imagine trying to play a game of catch with a friend, but your hands just won't catch the ball no matter how hard you try. It's kind of like that, but with talking.

You might know what you want to say, but your mouth just can't figure out how to say it properly. It's like your brain and your mouth aren't on the same page.

This can make it hard for people to understand what you're saying, or you might have to say things very slowly to make sure you're pronouncing everything clearly. But just like practicing catching a ball can help you get better, there are things you can do to strengthen your mouth and brain muscles to help you speak more clearly.

You might work with a speech therapist who can help you do exercises to help your mouth and tongue get stronger, or they might teach you special tricks to help you say certain words more easily. With practice and patience, you can improve your speaking skills and be better understood by others.