ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Larry Gibson (environmentalist)

Larry Gibson was a man who loved the Earth and wanted to make sure it was safe for all living things. He lived in a place called West Virginia, where there are big mountains and beautiful forests. But some people wanted to take the natural resources from those places and make money from it, even if it meant hurting the environment.

Larry Gibson did not like that idea. He wanted to protect those mountains and that forest so that animals could live there and people could enjoy them for generations to come. He would travel around the country telling people how important it was to take care of the Earth and the wildlife that lived in it.

One area that Gibson focused on was a place called Kayford Mountain. People were trying to cut down trees and build a big mine there, which would destroy the forest and pollute the air and water. But Gibson knew how important that area was for the ecosystem, so he decided to protect it.

He built a little cabin on the top of Kayford Mountain and lived there for years, watching over the land and making sure that nobody would destroy it. He also wrote books, gave speeches, and organized protests to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our natural resources.

Sadly, Larry Gibson passed away in 2012. But his legacy lives on. He inspired many people to become environmentalists and protect the planet. Thanks to his work, we now have national parks, wildlife reserves, and other protected areas that ensure that our Earth remains safe and beautiful.