ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laser cutting

Laser cutting is like using a really cool magic wand that shoots a beam of light that can cut things very precisely. But instead of magic, it's science! Imagine you have a very powerful flashlight that can cut through things. Now imagine that flashlight is so powerful that the light it produces can cut through almost anything.

A laser is a special kind of light that's amplified so it's really powerful. Think of it like a super flashlight, but instead of having a tiny bulb, it has a special rod that bounces the light back and forth and makes the beam stronger and stronger. The beam of light is so strong that it can cut through a lot of different materials.

To use a laser cutter, you first need to create a design on a computer. This design tells the laser where to cut and what shape to make. You then load the material you want to cut onto the laser table. When the laser cutter starts cutting, the beam of light is directed onto the material, and it moves around the table following the design you created. As it moves, the beam of light cuts through the material, creating the shape you designed.

Because the laser beam is so precise, you can make really intricate cuts and shapes. And because it's so powerful, it can cut through thick materials like metal, wood, and plastic with ease. Plus, laser cutting is really fast and can make lots of cuts in a short amount of time.

So, in short, laser cutting is like using a really cool magic wand that shoots a beam of light to precisely cut materials into whatever shape you want.