ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laser rangefinder

A laser rangefinder is a nifty gadget used to measure the distance between two objects using lasers. It works by sending out a laser beam, which is like a super-focused beam of light. The laser beam bounces back when it hits an object, and the rangefinder measures how long it takes the beam to go out and come back.

This gadget is mostly used by people who love to play golf, hunters, and military personnel. A golfer can use a laser rangefinder to measure the distance from the ball to the hole on the green. A hunter can use it when he is hunting in the woods to measure the distance to his prey, and the military uses it to measure the distance to their target.

To use a laser rangefinder, you hold it up to your eye like you would look through binoculars. Then, you point it at the object you want to measure, and press a button. The gadget will then send out the laser beam, and the distance will be displayed on the screen. It's effortless and works fast!

So, in summary, a laser rangefinder helps you measure the distance between two objects by sending out a laser beam and timing how long it takes to bounce back. It's wicked cool and makes things a lot easier for golfers, hunters, and military personnel!