ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Latin Church in the Middle East

Okay, so imagine you and your friends all go to the same school, but some of you speak different languages at home. That's kind of like what happened with the church a long time ago. They all believed in the same God, but spoke different languages and had different ways of doing things.

One of the big groups was called the Latin church. They spoke a language called Latin and had their own way of doing things in church. They were mostly in Europe, but they also had churches in other places like the Middle East.

In the Middle East, there were already other groups of Christians who had their own way of doing things. Some of them spoke a language called Aramaic, which was the same language that Jesus spoke. They were called the Eastern churches and they had a different way of doing things than the Latin church.

Over time, there were some disagreements between the two groups on things like who should be in charge and how to worship. Eventually, the Latin church became the dominant group in the Middle East and many of the Eastern churches joined with them or were taken over by them.

Even though the Latin church is still around today, there are still many different groups of Christians in the Middle East with their own languages and traditions, and they all worship God in their own way.