ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Latitude determination

Imagine a big round ball that's spinning around in space called the Earth. This ball has lots of lines drawn on it that look like a giant spider web. These lines help us figure out where we are on Earth.

Now, imagine that you're standing on this ball and you want to know how far north or south you are. There's a special type of line on this spider web called a latitude line that goes around the Earth horizontally like a belt.

To find your latitude, you need to know which latitude line you're standing on. You can do this by using a special tool called a sextant. This tool is kind of like a fancy telescope that helps you measure the angle between the horizon and a special star called the North Star.

Once you know this angle, you can use a chart that tells you what latitude line you're on based on that angle. This way, you can figure out exactly how far north or south you are on our big, spinning ball in space!