ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laughlin wavefunction

Okay kiddo, do you know that everything in the world is made up of tiny parts called atoms? And these atoms are so small that we can't even see them with our eyes!

Now, just like how we have different types of toys, atoms also have different types. These different types of atoms are known as elements, like hydrogen, carbon or oxygen.

Scientists have found out that electrons, which are the tiny particles that move around the nucleus of an atom, have something called a "wavefunction". This wavefunction describes where the electron is likely to be found.

One scientist named Robert Laughlin came up with a special type of wavefunction for a group of electrons that are all together in a material, like a metal. This group of electrons is called an "electron gas".

Laughlin's wavefunction helps scientists understand how these electrons behave when they move around inside the material. It describes how they move around and how much energy they have in different parts of the material.

It's kind of like if you were playing with a bunch of bouncing balls. Just like how the balls would bounce around in a certain way depending on how hard you threw them, electrons move around in a certain way depending on the conditions of the material they're in.

So in summary, the Laughlin wavefunction is a special type of wavefunction that helps scientists understand how a group of electrons moves around in a material, like a metal. It tells us where the electrons are likely to be found and how much energy they have in different parts of the material.