ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laves graph

Ok kiddo, so a Laves graph is a special kind of pattern that looks like a bunch of triangles stuck together. These triangles are connected to each other in a special way that makes the Laves graph very symmetrical and beautiful to look at.

Imagine you have a bunch of straws that you can bend and connect together. Each straw will be a line in the Laves graph. You can bend the straws in a special way to make triangles. Once you have a bunch of triangles, you can connect them together in a symmetrical way to create the Laves graph.

Now imagine you are a tiny ant that lives on this graph. If you want to move from one triangle to another, you can only move along the lines that connect the triangles. This is called the edge of the graph.

The Laves graph is important because we can use it to understand how atoms and molecules are arranged in some materials. By looking at the Laves graph, scientists can predict how the atoms will be arranged in the material and how it will behave under different conditions.

So, even though a Laves graph may look like just a bunch of triangles, it is actually a very important tool for understanding the world around us!