ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Law and economics

So let's start with the basics. Law is like the rules that we need to follow so that everyone can live together peacefully. Like when we play a game, we follow certain rules so that everyone can have fun.

Economics is something related to money. It's like how we use our money to buy things and how we make decisions to use our money.

So when we combine law and economics, we talk about how the rules or laws can affect how people use their money. Like if we make a law that says we have to pay more taxes if we use more energy, then it will affect how people use their money. They might try to use less energy to save money on taxes.

Also, law and economics can help us understand how different rules or laws can affect businesses and the economy. Like if we make a law that says we have to pay workers more, then it can affect how businesses operate and how much money they make.

Overall, law and economics is all about understanding how rules or laws can affect how people use their money and how businesses operate.