ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Law of occupation

The law of occupation is like the rules you have to follow when your mommy and daddy leave you with a babysitter to take care of you. When one country takes control of another country's territory, they become the babysitter and they have to follow certain rules called the "law of occupation."

These rules tell the country or military that is in charge of the territory how they should behave, what they can and cannot do, and how they should treat the people who live there. The law of occupation is designed to protect the rights of the people living in that territory.

For example, just like your babysitter has to follow your mommy and daddy's rules like no sugar before bedtime, the military or country that is occupying the territory has to follow rules like not harming the people who live there, not destroying their homes or property, and treating everyone equally.

If the people living in the territory have any problems or complaints about how they are being treated by the occupying country or military, they can go to a special court called the "international court of justice" to get help.

So it's like when you leave your favorite toy with the babysitter, you trust that they will take care of it and not break it. Similarly, when a country takes control of another country's territory, they have to take care of the people and not "break" any of their rights.