ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laws of science

Laws of science are rules that explain how things work in the world around us. Just like how we have rules when we play games, scientists have rules they use to understand things like how things move or why things heat up when we cook them.

One of these rules is the law of gravity. It explains why when we jump, we come back down to the ground instead of just floating away. Gravity is like a big magnet that pulls things towards each other, and it helps keep our feet on the ground.

Another example is the law of conservation of energy. This rule tells us that energy can't just disappear or magically appear out of nowhere, it can only be transformed from one type to another. For example, when we use a flashlight, the batteries convert chemical energy into light energy that helps us see in the dark.

These laws help scientists make predictions about how things will behave in the world. They also help us understand why things happen the way they do, and help us invent new things that solve problems.