ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lazy loading

Imagine you are playing with a lot of toys, but you can only play with one at a time because you have a small table. So, when you finish playing with one toy, your mom brings you another toy to play with.

In computer science, lazy loading is like your mom bringing you the toys one by one when you need them instead of giving all the toys at once. It means that a website or application loads the important things first and then loads other things only when we need them.

To make it simple, it's like you're looking at a picture on your computer, but the picture is so big that it takes a long time to load. With lazy loading, the website or app would only load the part of the picture that you can see on your screen right now. Then, when you scroll down to see more of the picture, it loads a little more at a time.

This is important because it makes the website or app run faster and saves data usage on your phone or computer. It also makes things more efficient and helps you not to get bored waiting for things to load all at once.